To tape or not to tape…What is K-Tape and is it just for athletes?

tapingWe tend to see more and more athletes sporting different colours of tape on their joints and/or muscles. It must have you wondering what the purpose of the tape is.  Does it enhance performance? Is it only for athletes? What is K-taping? and why use it? 


When used in combination with other forms of therapy, K tape application has been proven as an effective method when it comes to preventing, supporting and treating injuries. The taping application relieves stress on the muscles and joints ultimately providing pain or discomfort relief.  Most often seen in those who play sports however, K-taping application can be used on anyone. Once applied it may last between 3-5 days; and you can do your exercises, play sports, swim, and continue daily activities without damaging the tape.


There are numerous types of tapes and taping techniques available on the market. Our therapists at JointAction Physiotherapy & Wellness Centre are trained in prescribing and applying the right method to fit your needs by assessing the type of injury you have or would like to prevent.


By: Fatima Dias

If you have any concerns or questions contact us to book your free 15 minute consultation today


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