Quad weakness can cause knee pain!

Our quads are made up for 4 muscles that are responsible for straightening the knee out. Quad weakness can cause knee pain. Our physiotherapists will do a thorough assessment to determine the cause of knee pain and prescribe the exercises best suited for your injury. The video below provides a few examples of quad strengthening exercises.

Disclaimer: Please note these exercises may not be right for you. Please discuss your concerns with your physio or healthcare provider before starting these or any new exercises.

Book your free 15 min meet & greet with one of our physiotherapists today.

Hip flexors: what they do and exercise ideas!

Our hip flexors are made up of a group of muscles that contribute to hip and pelvic movement and stability. Tightness and weakness of the hip flexors can create muscle imbalances that can cause hip, low back and knee pain. Below is a video of a a few exercise ideas for stretching and strengthening your hip flexors.

Disclaimer: Please note these exercises may not be right for you. Please discuss your concerns with your physio or healthcare provider before starting these or any new exercises.

Contact us today to book your free 15 min meet & greet! 

Cupping Therapy

Cupping involves the use of a container or vessel that is suctioned onto the skin.  The suction is achieved by creating a vacuum via manual air pump or traditionally by fire (fire cupping).


    • Improves/speeds up recovery from muscle soreness
    • Mobilizes scar tissue
    • Loosens tight muscles and improves range of motion
    • Decreases pain
    • Improves local circulation

Cautions to cupping:

    • Due to the suction of the cups onto the skin, you may find local bruising where the cups are placed.  These bruises will typically resolve within one to two weeks depending and are harmless.
    • If you are on blood thinners or have any conditions that cause you to bruise easily, please consult your practitioner first.

If you would like to discuss if cupping is right for you, contacts us to book a free 15 minute meet & greet with any of our Registered Massage Therapists or Physiotherapists.

Jonathan Chang, RMT

Why strengthening the Gluteus muscles (buttocks muscles) is so important?

The glutes are an incredibly powerful and important muscle. There are three layers to the glute muscles: gluteus minimus, medius, and maximus. Today we are focusing on the gluteus medius.

The gluteus medius muscle is the gluteal muscle that sits just above the prominent bone at the side of the hip. The primary function of this muscle is to abduct the hip (bring the leg out), but perhaps its more important function is to stabilize the hip, laterally (from the outside). This muscle is especially active when standing on a single leg, which is important for movements including walking, running, and changing directions. Weakness in this muscle can result in pain, soreness, and injury to the hip itself, the IT band, and the knee. Try the following exercises to keep the gluteus medius strong and functional.

Gluteus medius strengthening Exercises: (See video below for demo!)

Clamshells: repetitions = 10, sets = 2, both sides

Hip hike: repetitions = 10, sets = 2, both sides

Side straight leg raise: repetitions = 10, sets = 2, both sides

Banded side steps: repetitions = 10, sets = 2

Let us know how these exercises are working for you, and if there are more ideas that are needed, or problem solving around your injuries or pain, do not hesitate to contact us!  Book your Free 15-minute meet & greet today! 

Disclaimer: Please note these exercises may not be right for you. Please discuss your concerns with your physio or healthcare provider before starting these or any new exercises.

By: Chris Dahiroc, Physiotherapist

The Activator Technique (Instrument Adjustment)

What is the Activator Technique?

Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique is a chiropractic treatment method using a Mechanical Force Manual Assisted Instrument to deliver a controlled impulse to particular areas of the spine and extremities in order to restore motion. It is an alternative to the manual form of spinal manipulation in which a High Velocity Low Amplitude thrust is used to adjust the spine.

What is the Activator?

The Activator V is a handheld electronic tool which allows for a specific, gentle and controlled adjustment to be delivered. There are multiple settings depending on which area is being adjusted. They range from 1 to 4. The purpose is to create a force wave that is quick and that is localized without any pulling or twisting. This is an advantage as there is less muscle resistance.

How is the Activator used? (See Video below!)

The Activator method relies on a specific protocol. This protocol is based on any changes that you would see in the patient’s leg lengths or leg length inequality. These changes would be evaluated by having the patient perform certain muscle and spinal tests in order to activate certain muscles which are attached to specific vertebrae. If the leg lengths are found not to be the same then there would be a problem in that corresponding area. We would evaluate using this method from the feet towards the head.

Please note, it is very important that the chiropractor is trained and certified to use this instrument as there are specific ways to use it.

Any thorough evaluation always involves the procedure of taking a health history and assessment which may involve orthopedic, neurological and physical components. There is a focus placed on musculoskeletal elements looking for spinal restrictions, postural limitations and any areas of muscular tightness.

The Activator Technique can be used on people of all ages including babies and the elderly.

Please refer to www.activator.com for more information.

To find out if this is right for you contact us to book in for your free 15 minute meet & greet with our Chiropractor!

Written by: Dr. Teesha Geevarghese D.C.

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