Registered Massage Therapist Rehab Aboushita has joined our growing team!

rehab1We are very pleased to announce the RMT Rehab Aboushita is joining our JointAction team! Rehab comes to us with a wide range of experience and has worked on many conditions such as chronic pain, headaches, frozen shoulder, acute injuries, sports injuries, sciatic pain, pregnancy, inflammatory conditions, stress related situations. Rehab will be available for treatments on Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays! Check out her full bio here!


Due to growing demand we now have two Massage Therapy treatment rooms available and offer Massage Therapy from Mondays to Saturdays. Feel free to book in with any of our 3 Registered Massage Therapists today!


JointAction Physiotherapy & Wellness Centre offers Physiotherapy, Paediatric Physiotherapy, Home care Physiotherapy, Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, Taping, Cupping, Chiropractic Care, Massage Therapy, Custom made Orthotics, and Bracing!




What is cupping? What are it’s benefits?

cuppingSince the Olympics have come and gone, there was some question as to why there were very distinct circular bruises on some athletes. The explanation as some readers already know is from cupping therapy.

Cupping therapy has roots in traditional Chinese medicine. The primary goals of this technique is to reduce pain, improve range of motion, alleviate muscular “tightness’ or “stiffness”, improve blood flow, and induce a relaxation effect. These are achieved through creating a vacuum at the surface of the skin by using a cup and negative pressure to produce a suction force.

Some drawbacks from using cupping include redness, bruising, and it can subjectively feel painful during the process (i.e. depending on the severity of injury, the area that is being treated, amount of suction created, and pain tolerance). However, there are improvements in overall pain and range of motion with the use of cupping that are observed clinically.

One important to note is that cupping in Westernized medicine is considered to be a form of alternative therapy. Given this, the empirical data that supports the use of cupping is not as strong as other treatment options. However, it is equally important to note that physiotherapists consider the individual needs of each patient to determine which treatment options would be most viable; cupping is one part of an entire toolkit that can be utilized to address pain, lack of range of motion, muscular weakness, or any other issue that requires attention.

By: Chris Dahiroc P.T.


Should you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us!

Back to school posture check: what to look out for!

back to schoolSince it is the first day of school it is important to address posture with our children now carrying backpacks, sitting for prolonged periods and poor postural habits on a day to day basis such as texting, video games etc.

I usually will hear about a lot of parents who complain about their child’s slouching and keep on reminding them to stand up straight. Poor posture can actually affect more than the vanity aspect of the body but rather have a profound effect on the dysfunction of many vital systems and cause certain symptomology due to the compression of specific spinal areas.

Here are a few issues to watch out for:


Uneven Base of the Skull 

Symptoms Headaches, Neck Pain, Ear/Eye Problems, Sinus, Focus Issues


Rounded Shoulders/ Uneven Shoulders 

Symptoms– Arm Pain, Middle Back Pain, Respiratory Issues, Digestive Issues 


Uneven hip/ Increase in Lumbar Lordosis-curvature in the lower back 

Symptoms– Lower Back Pain, Bowel and Bladder Issues, Constipation and Diarrhea


Flat Feet/Placing too much pressure in the medial arch and/or lateral portion of the foot.

Symptoms– Hip Pain, Knee Pain, Plantar Fasciitis


A common cause for the variation in a child’s posture can actually be due to a backpack and the incorrect mechanics of how to wear it properly and the actual weight distribution of it.  A lot of the time a child’s backpack has everything but the kitchen sink inside of it. It is important to look at material, wearability and weight.

Here’s a link to the Ontario Chiropractic Association’s article on Pack it Light, Wear it Right.


Feel free to visit or contact us if you have any questions. We would be happy to assess posture, backpack fitting and overall spinal health of your child.


By: Dr. Teesha Geevarghese (B.Sc., D.C.) Chiropractor


For any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us to book for FREE 15 minute consultation today!

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