Home Exercise Tips Part 2

DO:  Clear the space around you to avoid injuries!

  Ensure that any clutter or non-workout related items are moved away to storage bins or out of sight during an exercise class. Some workout spaces may be small in some situations therefore every square inch is valuable. It is very easy to be focused on the exercise at hand and forget your environment during a HIIT workout or plyometric movement. These high intensity workouts involve quick changes in direction that may lead to stepping on an object that can lead to ankle sprains, muscle strains, etc., be sure to clear the space around you! Make sure any wires or expensive technology (like your laptop) are clear of the exercise space to avoid anything getting damaged.

DON’T: Don’t forget to check you are wearing proper footwear and signs of wear and tear! 

The amount of shock absorption and arch support (if needed) a shoe provides will greatly impact the workout. 

By: Tyler Ottolino, Resident Physiotherapist

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