Practising Pilates prior to pregnancy to help your body recover post-pregnancy

pilates for blogAbdominal wall separation sounds very intimidating, however, many women experience this throughout the course of pregnancy and into post-pregnancy. Abdominal separation, clinically diagnosed as Diastasis Recti, can happen to women of all ages throughout different stages of pregnancy. A combination of hormones and the uterus pushing against the abdominal wall creates a laxity, and in some cases will lead to a separation as wide as 2-2.5 finger widths.

Pilates can be used as a preventative method or as a treatment for this separation; by teaching the mother how to connect and properly engage with her deep core muscles, specifically the transverse abdominis (TA). For treatment, this connection with the deep core muscles will allow the abdominal muscles to close in a non-strenuous manner. Alternatively, as a prevention method, this will help build up strength in the abdominals to prevent a large separation during future pregnancies.

By: Leslie Schneckenburger

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