Everyday stretches for low back pain

We have all experienced it, we will be moving around and suddenly our low back is in severe pain! A lot of the time this low back pain is correlated to tight muscles. The tightness can pull the pelvis out of its neutral position, which causes your entire body to lose its natural and neutral spine and causes pain to radiate in all directions. The following stretches are going to help you release any tension in commonly tight areas of the body.


Quadriceps: Hip flexor



Position yourself into a deep lunge holding a 90 degree angle. Keep your chest lifted off your thigh (think upright as opposed to hinging forward). Once you are stable, grab onto the back leg and lift it up and pull it inward close to your bottom. This will release your front hip flexors. NOTE: fold over your mat, or use a pillow under your knee, as there will be a lot of weight placed upon it.



Hamstrings: Spine Dive



Sitting, legs extended, toes flexed towards ceiling, hands resting on thighs. Exhale, dip head down towards chest and roll down the spine sliding the hands towards the ankles/feet. Hold this stretch, maintaining core support and actively lengthening towards the feet until a stretch is felt in the hamstrings.


Hips/Glutes: Leg cross over



Lay on your back, pelvis flush and exhale to raise both legs to table top. Cross one leg over the other, and pull the back of the leg closer to your chest. Adjust the positioning, and apply more pressure to the inside of the knee if an extra stretch is needed. Great to do at home, or even at your desk at work! Releases front and side of hips, as well as the


Front abdominals: Swan/Extensions


Laying on your stomach, hands next to your shoulders, feet hip distance apart, actively tuck the pelvic under so that the pubic bone is dipping into your mat. Exhale, activate your abdominals and push down through your hands to lift up through your torso.

Back stabilizers and erectors: Cat/Cow or Shell


Side-body: Side Bend

leslie1Standing in neutral, exhale and slice your arm through the air and send your body into lateral flexion. Letting your head drop to the side while holding your arm overhead.






NOTE: All of these stretches can be incorporated into a daily stretching routine. All of these stretches will get the best results once the body is already “warmed up”, however will still be beneficial on their own. All stretches should be help from 15-30seconds and repeated 1-3 times per day as needed.

By: Leslie Schneckenburger

To learn more information about Pilates click here!

Pilates in everyday life

Pilates is a fantastic form of exercise that focuses on stability, flexibility, balance and total body strength. For days when you are not practising it in a class or at home. There are ways to improve your Pilates practise by implementing simple reminders into your everyday routine.


Pilates is huge on posture. If you have ever done a Pilates class, you know that before you begin a class- you set your body into standing neutral.

Start at the feet. Feet hip distance apart and heels are grounded/heavy, and toes are light. Knees slightly bent and tracking directly over your ankles. Neutral pelvis (engage pelvic floor) and tracking over the knees. Ribs hugging your spine (by engaging your abdominals). Chest open, shoulder blades sliding down your back and tracking away from your neck. Spine is lengthened (imagine a string attached to the crown of your head that is pulling you up towards the ceiling). Head is floating on top (almost giving yourself a double chin).

Now that you have a neutral spine, you are free to move around! It may feel strange at first, but your body will thank you later after a long day of sitting at a desk or driving. Be sure to maintain the upright posture for all activities. Whether it be jogging, sitting, or just everyday errands. If you focus on keeping your spine in neutral, your joints will decrease in pain over time and your muscles will automatically hold you in this position. This posture is life changing.

Engaging your core

Again, this is the foundation of Pilates! Your core should be the centre of all your activities- and I mean ALL your activities.

From walking to running to sitting at your desk (we are seeing a trend here!). Engaging your core (front abdominals- the “6 pack” muscles, as well as lesliepilates2your pelvic floor) is not only going to encourage the spine maintain its neutral posture but it will also aid in strengthening and build endurance to the trunk throughout the day! Let’s take walking/running as our main example. When we walk/run, there is a significant amount of downward pressure/force put on our pelvic floor that overtime if it is not strengthened, will cause issues such as incontinence and prolapse. By engaging your core (front abdominals AND pelvic floor) you are strengthening, working on hip stability (internal and external) and muscular endurance. All of these will translate to less pain and an overall better quality of life.

Try these ideas out during your day and track how you feel over the next few weeks! Are you standing taller? Do you have decreased pain in your back? Do you feel more stable in your trunk? Pilates is a great exercise but also translates seamlessly into regular day to day activities! Give it a try- your body will thank you!

By: Leslie Schneckenburger

Pilates Thursdays at JointAction Physiotherapy & Wellness Centre at 8pm!

Register NOW to save your spot in the next class!

Practising Pilates prior to pregnancy to help your body recover post-pregnancy

pilates for blogAbdominal wall separation sounds very intimidating, however, many women experience this throughout the course of pregnancy and into post-pregnancy. Abdominal separation, clinically diagnosed as Diastasis Recti, can happen to women of all ages throughout different stages of pregnancy. A combination of hormones and the uterus pushing against the abdominal wall creates a laxity, and in some cases will lead to a separation as wide as 2-2.5 finger widths.

Pilates can be used as a preventative method or as a treatment for this separation; by teaching the mother how to connect and properly engage with her deep core muscles, specifically the transverse abdominis (TA). For treatment, this connection with the deep core muscles will allow the abdominal muscles to close in a non-strenuous manner. Alternatively, as a prevention method, this will help build up strength in the abdominals to prevent a large separation during future pregnancies.

By: Leslie Schneckenburger

Pilates Thursdays at JointAction Physiotherapy & Wellness Centre at 8pm!

Register NOW to save your spot in the next class!


Pilates every Thursday at 8pm!

Pilates every Thursday at JointAction Physiotherapy & Wellness Centre. Reserve your spot today!! #JointActionPhysio #Pilates

Posted by JointAction Physiotherapy & Wellness Centre on Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Yoga and Pilates

We are so excited to announce that starting January we will be offering Yoga and Pilates here at the clinic!

Yoga&Pilates Poster Final

Stay tuned for the benefits of Yoga and Pilates! For more information call us at 289-274-5399!