Now accepting more in clinic patients!

 We are excited to announce that we are now accepting more in clinic patients for Physio, Chiro and Massage! Our team is ready to assist you with in clinic care, but doing so in a thoughtful, gradual and strategic way.

We are following all policies and recommended procedures put forth by the Ministry of Health, Public Health and all applicable Regulatory Colleges (Physiotherapist, Chiropractors and Massage Colleges of Ontario). This means that things will look a little different from what they were before.  With that being said, one thing has not changed: our commitment to your safety and helping you reach your treatment goals.

A few changes to note:

  • All in-clinic patients will be screened for symptoms prior to their visit 
  • Expect physio treatments to include a hybrid of in-clinic and virtual sessions
  • You will be asked to wait in your car until we call you in for your appointment. We kindly ask any accompanying members to wait in the car if possible
  • Masks and hand sanitizer use will be mandatory when entering the clinic
  • Therapists schedules have been adjusted to allow for physical distancing between staff and patients
  • All staff will be in appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • You will notice the addition of plexiglass barriers as well as floor markers to help maintain compliance with provincial regulations of physical distancing 

On behalf of the team, we would like to thank you for your cooperation and support during this difficult time as we continue to navigate and adapt the best possible solutions for the safety of our team and patients.  

If you would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us and one of our patient experience coordinators will be happy to help you!


We look forward to seeing you all again,


Your Team @ JointAction Physio


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